News List

Newly Registered Films


Three films have been added to our catalog: "THE INVISIBLE ISLAND" (2021, Dir: Keiko Courdy) "A SAFE PLACE" (2017, Dir: Keiko Courdy)  "Message from FUKUSHIMA - A decade has passed, and we are liv ...

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当「311ドキュメンタリーフィルムアーカイブ」登録作品『ナオトひとりっきり』の続編『ナオト、いまもひとりっきり』が、9月18日より有料配信中です。 今作では、コロナと放射能という「見えない脅威」に対する人々の反応を、福島 […]

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Newly Registered Films


Three films have been added to our catalog: Fight for the Future~7 Years after the Earthquake (2018, Dir: Konishi Haruko) Return to Iitate Village (2019, Dir: Fukuhara Yusuke) Over The Sky (201 ...

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Cinema with Us 2019 [YIDFF 2019: Oct 10-17]


Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2019 (Oct 10-17) has successfully ended. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated in our festival. In this year's  Cine ...

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'Silent Revolution' Screening & Discussion Event in Sendai (Tohoku Univ, Feb 5)


Documentary film 'Silent Revolution' will be screened in Tohoku University, Sendai on February 5, 2019. Discussion session with director Watanabe Satoshi will follow the screening.   Cen ...

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'Akahama Rock'n Roll' Screening & Discussion Event in Sendai (Tohoku Univ, Dec 4)


'Akahama Rock'n Roll', documentary film registered in our 311 Documentary Film Archive, will be screened in Tohoku University, Sendai on December 4, 2018. Discussion session with director Konishi Har ...

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'Nuclear Cattle' Screening & Discussion Event in Sendai (Tohoku Univ, Nov 13)


'Nuclear Cattle' (YIDFF2017 Cinema with Us) will be screened in Tohoku University, Sendai on November 13, 2018. Discussion session with director Matsubara Tamotsu will follow the screening.   ...

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Newly Registered Films


Two films have been added to our catalog: The Day the Sun Fell (2015, Dir: Aya Domenig) Drill (2015, Dir: Tsai Yu-Hsuan) ...

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上映会情報: 「映画で学ぶ女性目線の防災」(10/7山形)


当アーカイブ登録作品の上映・講演会のお知らせです。   ファーラ市民企画講座事業「映画で学ぶ女性目線の防災」 [日時]: 2018年10月7日(日)13:00 – 15:00 [会場]: 山形市男女 […]

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Newly Registered Films


Eight new films have been added to our catalog:   '3 Years Past' (2014, Dir: Kaz Senju) 'Witch's Recipes' (2012, Dir: Soma Atsumi) 'KASAMAYAKI (MADE IN KASAMA)' (2014, Dir: Yuki Kokub ...

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