Welcome to Fukushima

Welcome to Fukushima

Alain de Halleux

Belgium, France/59min./2013

Welcome to FukushimaOne year spent in the daily live of some Japanese families in Minamisoma, at 20 km from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

After efforts of decontamination, scientific uncertainties, hesitations of the authorities, who should we trust ?

Should we stay? Should we leave?

Each family is facing its own decisions alone.
The director tells the 'after-the-event' so that the children will later remember.
But the threats are weighing on the current status of the nuclear power plant.
The families suitcases and petrol cans are ready in order to leave as quickly as possible if a new earthquake or tsunami would occur.
Title in English Welcome to Fukushima
Title in Original Language Welcome to Fukushima
Director(s) Alain de Halleux
Director's Bio/Filmography ‪Graduated in Chemical Sciences(nuclear) at l'UCL (University Catholic of Louvain, belgium) with distinction.
Gratuated in film-making at l'INSAS (Institut National Supérieur des Arts du spectacle et des techniques de diffusion) with distinction
Reportage in Afghanistan (1981). Publications: USA, France, Germany, Australia, Italy, Holland...
Reportage in Liban (1982)
Price of vocation in 1983 for his photographical works during the war in Afghanistan.
From 1987 to 2005, several conceptions et realisations of advertising spots,industrial films and trailers and some video clips.
Musician and professor oft ’aïkido (martial Art which consists in creating harmony and to ressolve inward conflicts)

No pour dire oui
Le Sablier
Ces drôles de Belges avec leurs drôles de films
45’ La 7 France
La trace
L’Indien Productions (Belgium)
Ministère de la Communauté Française, RTBF (Belgium)
6’ / 35 mm
L’Indien Productions
Selected at the Festival of Nyon 2005 (Switzerland)
Où tu vas
Documentary of 40’ for the FOREM (Belgium)
Mostra ,TEF, ULB, European Commission

The Invisibles
L’INDIEN Productions
selected at thefestival of Nyon 2009 (Switzerland)

R.A.S, nucléaire rien à signaler
selected at thefestival of Nyon 2010 (Switzerland)

Chernobyl Forever
Documentary for the 25st Anniversary of the chernobyl catastrophe in Ukraine

Stories from Fukushima (2012)
8x8' available on http://www.simpleproduction.be

Welcome to Fukushima (2013)
Production : Simple Production, Crescendo films, L'Indien Productions, RTBF, Vosges Télévision, WIP// Co-production : Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de VOO, Centre National du Cinéma et de l'image animée, Procirep-Angoa, Greenpeace, Greens/EFA, Courant d'Air, Noya
Year of Completion 2013
Nationality of the Film Belgium, France
Running Time 59 min.
Aspect Ratio Video: 16:9
Color Color
Screening Format BD
Shooting Locations Japan
Shooting Dates/Periods
Names of Characters
Language of Commentary and Dialogue Japanese,
Subtitles Japanese,
Date of First Public Screening 2013/3/11
Place of First Public Screening (Country) Belgium
Date of First Public Screening in Japan 2013/3/11
Previous Screenings at Other Film Festivals and Events Sichuan TV Festival, Festival International du Film d'Amiens, Docudays UA, FICMA, Festival à nous de voir, ImagéSanté, Festival du film de Zurich, Salon Valériane,...
Staff Credits Script: Alain de Halleux
Photography: Alain de Halleux
Editing: Alain de Halleux, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
Sound: Alain de Halleux
Music: Michel Berckmans
Producer Kathleen de Béthune
Distributor / Distribution Company Simple Production
Official Website for the Film http://www.simpleproduction.be
Other Online Access to the film
Screenings at the Past YIDFF Programs and Events None